Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
sarg 2022-03-30
po 2015-02-15
Windows 2013-05-14
README.md 2015-11-12 763 Bytes
Totals: 4 Items   763 Bytes 69

Released source files are stored in the directory named sarg.

If you are looking for directions on how to build sarg, have a look at the wiki page.

Translations to be submitted to the Translation Project are stored in the po directory. As very few translators work on sarg, that directory isn't used.

The ̀Windows directory contains executables build for Windows.

The procedure to build sarg on Windows is also described on the wiki but beware that the MinGW build system changes very frequently in incompatible ways. Keeping that documentation up to date is a challenge all by itself.

Source: README.md, updated 2015-11-12